1. Our use of cookies

Welcome to the website www.posterstore.ca (“The Website”), which is owned and operated by Poster Store Sverige AB, with Swedish company registration number 559047-8151 Birger Jarlsgatan 41 A, 111 45 Stockholm (“we”, “us” or “our”). We use cookies on our website. In this cookie policy we inform you, which cookies we activate, which cookies you can choose to activate yourself when you visit The Website and the purpose of why we use these cookies.

More information about how we collect and process your personal data can be found here.

2. What are cookies

A cookie (or other similar technology such as pixel / beacons) is a small text file that is placed in your browser or on the hard drive of your computer (or similar device) when you visit a website. This allows the website to recognise you as a user when you return to the website, either in the meantime of your visit (“session cookie”) or for recurring visits (“permanent cookie”). Other similar technologies function in the same way and we use the word “cookie” for all technologies that collect information in such a way. Cookies may be first-party cookies (which are handled by us) or third-party cookies (which are managed by another website when you use or visit The Website).

3. Consent to cookies


When you visit The Website for the first time, a message informing you of the use of cookies on The Website is displayed. We use a banner to display the message, in the banner we also ask for your consent to our use of cookies. In order to remember your cookie settings, so that you can skip this step on consecutive visits, a certain cookie is used.


During your visit to the Website, we automatically activate a number of cookies that are necessary for the Website to function. For all other types of cookies that we want to use, we will ask you for your consent in accordance with the framework of existing legislation and EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation.

4. How to control and and delete cookies on your browser


If you no longer want cookies to be placed during your visit on The Website, you can turn them off in your browser settings. You can also set your browser settings so that you will be informed each time The Website attempts to place a cookie on your device. You can also delete previously stored cookies in your browser’s security/privacy settings.


How you delete cookies depends on which browser you use. Note that if you use multiple browsers, corresponding changes must be made for each browser.


Please note that restrictions on cookies may lead to you not being able to make full use of all of The Website’s functions and/or service. 

5. Which cookies are used on The Website


Poster Store’s e-commerce platform uses cookies in order to basic functionality on the site to work, such as the shopping cart and checkout, etc.


Google Analytics – To analyse and track how visitors use The Website. These cookies are stored for up to a maximum of two years.

Google Tag Manager – To manage tracking on the site. These cookies are stored for up to a maximum of two years.

Marketing and advertising

Facebook Ads – This cookie is set to customise the ads contents and optimise the advertising on Facebook. These cookies are stored for up to a maximum of 3 months. 

Google Ads – This cookie is set to customise the ads contents and optimise the advertising on Google. These cookies are stored for up to a maximum of two years. 

Pinterest Ads – This cookie is set to customise the ads contents and optimise the advertising on Pinterest. These cookies are stored for up to a maximum of two years.